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Mission SociaLink

SociaLink- A startup founded by an engineering student to fill the gap between NGOs and common people. Where every startup is based on solving some problem of society and create a business out of it, SociaLink is the only startup which focuses on real problem of our society described below.
India is a developing country and is facing some major problems like poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and many more. Talking about poverty only, as per Government survey of 2012 about 22% of the Indian population is below poverty limit (line). But why government only take steps to decrease these numbers when the remaining Indian population can join hands and make this country a developed nation by eradicating issues such as poverty, illiteracy which altogether results in raising India towards removing all societal problems.
India has great culture and civilization. And Indian folks are considered to be kind, helping and generous in nature. We never hesitate to participate in any charity work. Our recent survey shows that all of us have desire to do some charity work and add our efforts towards society, but the only problem is that we don't know from where to initiate.
SociaLink is an effort to break a barrier between NGOs & common people. We are trying to bring NGOs & common people on same page so together we can help maximum number of people.
Our aim is to convince the youth to spare their free time rather than spending it on social media and use this time in doing some social work which will improve our society and all together it will give us a long time happiness for free. So let’s convert our free time into someone’s smile. Your small effort can make a big impact on our society. So from today let’s spend our weekend and free time by helping someone instead of just scrolling through mobile. Let’s take a pic with 1080px smile on someone’s face because of you instead of faking smiles on DPs. Let’s give our heart to the people with whom we never talked instead of just double tapping Instagram heart and teach them how to grow and live better. Also, learning from them about the things and lessons we don’t know. Always remember that together we can make a big change.
What they ask us is just a little time for them, what we gain is becoming a reason for innumerable smiles on countless faces.
To join us, all you have to do is:
Send your name and locality area on 9979716914 and we will keep you updated about each social event occurring around your locality.  
